The ReWire group will focus on joint scientific publications with scientists from the international knowledge network to provoke wider international recognition. During the project, the following priorities will be addressed:
- publication in international journals (Q1 & Q2)
- presentations at international conferences
- writing project proposals for funding.
Activities will also include events to disseminate the project results, such as the workshop “Cementitious building materials reinforced with waste fibres” and “Long-term behaviour of fibre-reinforced cementitious materials”.

List of ReWire publications:
- Mrduljaš, Baričević, Pavunc Samaržija, Vujasinović. Interaction of basalt fibres and highly alkaline environments // BEFIB 2024 XI International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Dresden, Germany, 15.-18.9.2024.
- Didulica, Baričević. Autogenous Shrinkage in Cementitious Materials: Testing Procedures and Prediction Models – State of the Art // ConCreep12, Delft, Netherlands, 5.-7.6.2024.
- Mrduljaš, Didulica, Ocelić, Baričević. MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS OF WASTE FIBRE REINFORCED COMPOSITES // The ninth international conference Civil engineering – science & practice : GNP 2024 proceedings / Knežević, Rakočević, Pejović (ur.). Kolašin: University of Montenegro, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2024. str. 569-576.
- Ocelić, Baričević, Frančić Smrkić. Synergistic integration of waste fibres and supplementary cementitious materials to enhance sustainability of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC), Case Studies in Construction Materials, 20 (2024).
- Mrduljaš; Šepuka; Baričević. Developement of magnesium phosphate cement using light burned magnesium oxide. iNDiS 2023 Proceedings, Trivunić, Milan; Džolev, Igor; Šešlija, Miloš (ur.); Novi Sad, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, 2023. str. 275.-284.
- Didulica; Ćenanović; Mrduljaš; Baričević. The use of waste carbon fibres for the production of conductive cementitious materilas // iNDiS 2023 Proceedings, Trivunić, Milan; Džolev, Igor; Šešlija, Miloš (ur.); Novi Sad, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, 2023. str. 384.-391.
- Mrduljaš; Mauko Pranjić; Štefančić; Didulica; Baričević. Distribution of alkali-resistant glass fibers in cementitious composites // DBMC 2023- 16th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. Abstract Book, Li, Kefei; Fang, Dongping (ur.). Civil Engineering School, Tsinghua University Peking, Kina, 2023. str. 269-270. doi: 10.23967/c.dbmc.2023.116
- Didulica; Mauko Pranjić; Štefančić; Mrduljaš; Baričević. Influence of waste fibers on the total porosity of cementitious composites // DBMC 2023- 16th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. Abstract Book, Li, Kefei; Fang, Dongping (ur.), Civil Engineering School, Tsinghua University Peking, Kina, 2023., str. 227-228. doi: 10.23967/c.dbmc.2023.097
- Mrduljaš, Baričević, Pucić, Carević, Didulica. Alkali resistance of selected waste fibres to model cement environment // Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 19, 2023, e02411, ISSN 2214-5095,
- Baričević; Didulica; Mrduljaš; Ocelić. Production waste fibres as a sustainable alternative for strengthening cementitious composite // SynerCrete’23 – The International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures / Jedrzejewska, Kanavaris, Azenha, Benboudjema, Schlicke (ur.). Springer, 2023,
- Ocelić; Baričević; Frančić- Smrkić. Possibilities of using UHPC as a repair material // Proceedings of the 2nd Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering – 2CroCEE Zagreb; Atalić, Josip; Šavor Novak, Marta; Gidak, Petra et al. (ur.). Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 22.3.2023.- 24.3.2023., str. 718-727.
- Mrduljaš; Baričević; Mauko Pranjić. Distribution of synthetic fibers in cementitious composites// 4th International Congress on materials & Structural Stability, Abstracts/ 2023. str. 100-100 . (sažetak izlaganja sa skupa)
- Mrduljaš; Pucić; Didulica; Baričević. Alkaline resistance of recycled tyre polymer fibres for cement composites// 28HSKIKI : 28th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers and 6th Symposium Vladimir Prelog : Book of Abstracts/ Rogošić, Marko (ur.). Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa (HDKI), 2023. str. 202-202 . (sažetak izlaganja sa skupa)
- Mrduljaš; Baričević. Degradacija bazaltnih vlakana u alkalnoj otopini. XXVIII Kongres DIMK i IX Kongres SIGP sa Međunarodnim simpozijumom o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija / Radojević, Zagorka ; Petković, Majda ; Zakić, Dimitrije (ur.). Beograd: Razvojno istraživački centar grafičkog inženjerstva, 2022. str. 461-468.
- Mrduljaš, Branka; Baričević, Ana. Durability of synthetic fibers in cement composites // 8th Doctoral Symposium in Civil Engineering, Stirmer, Nina (ed.). University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, 2022. pp 163-173 doi:10.5592/CO/PhDSym.2022.13
- Didulica, Katarina; Baričević, Ana. On the relation of microstructure development and time- zero as the beginning of autogenous shrinkage // 8th Doctoral Symposium in Civil Engineering, Stirmer, Nina (ed.). University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, 2022. pp 137-148 doi:https://.org/10.5592/CO/PhDSym.2022.11.
- Didulica, Katarina; Baričević, Ana. Influence of cement matrix composition on early age shrinkage properties // Concrete Solutions 2022 – 8th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Durability & Technology / Grantham, Michael ; Basheer, P.A.M.; Mangabhai, Raman (ur.). Leeds: EDP Sciences, 2022. 05004, 6 doi:10.1051/matecconf/202236105004.
- Ocelić, Antonija; Didulica, Katarina; Mrduljaš, Branka; Baričević, Ana. Waste fibres: A new perspective for the construction industry // Concrete Innovation for Sustainability / Stokkeland, Stine; Braarud, Henny Cathrine (ed.). Oslo: Novus Press, 2022. pp 115-124.
Didulica, Katarina; Baričević, Ana; Banjad Pečur, Ivana. A review of early age shrinkage deformations in cementitious composites // GNP 2022 PROCEEDINGSKolašin, Crna Gora, 2022. str. 67-67.
Baričević, Ana; Didulica, Katarina; Frančić Smrkić, Marina; Jelčić Rukavina, Marija. Cementitious Composites Reinforced with Waste Fibres from the Production of High-Quality Construction Textiles. Materials 2022, 15, 1611,
Didulica, Katarina; Baričević, Ana; Frančić Smrkić, Marina; Jelčić Rukavina, Marija. Preliminary study on the influence of waste fibres on early age autogenous shrinkage of cementitious composites // iNDiS 2021 Proceedings, Novi Sad, 2021. str. 326-334.
- Didulica, Katarina; Baricevic, Ana. Possibilities of using waste fibers in high-performance cementitious composites. 7th Doctoral Symposium in Civil Engineering, Stirmer, Nina (ed.). Zagreb: University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2021. pp. 123-134 doi:10.559.
- Jelcic Rukavina, M.; Baricevic, A.; Serdar, M.; Grubor, M. Study on the post-fire properties of concrete with recycled tyre polymer fibres, Cement and Concrete Composites, 123 (2021) 104184,
Jelčić Rukavina, M.; Baričević, A.; Serdar, M.; Grubor, M. Study on mechanical and durability properties of concrete with RTPF after high temperature exposure // Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference CoMS 2020/21 / Šajna, A.; Legat, A.; Jordan, J.; Horvat, P.; Kemperle, E.; Dolenec, S.; Ljubešek, M.; Michelizza, M. (ur.). Ljubljana: Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), 2021. str. 58-64.
List of previous publications:
- Baricevic, A.; Grubor, M.; Paar, R.; Papastergiou, P.; Pilakoutas, K.; Guadagnini, M. Long-term monitoring of a hybrid SFRC slab on grade using recycled tyre steel fibres, Adv. Concr. Constr., Vol. 10, No.6, (2020), 547-557,
- Baričević, A.; Jelčić Rukavina, M.; Pezer, M.; Štirmer, N. Influence of recycled tire polymer fibres on concrete properties. Cement & concrete composites. 91 (2018), 29-41.
- Baricevic, A.; Pezer, M.; Jelcic Rukavina, M.; Serdar, M.; Stirmer, N. Effect of polymer fibres recycled from waste tires on properties of wet-sprayed concrete. Construction and building materials. 176 (2018), 135-144.
- Baricevic, A.; Bjegovic, D.; Skazlic, M. Hybrid Fibre–Reinforced Concrete with Unsorted Recycled-Tire Steel Fibers. Journal of materials in civil engineering. 29 (2017), 6.
- Frančić Smrkić, M.; Damjanović, D.; Baričević, A. Application of recycled steel fibres in concrete elements subjected to fatigue loading, Građevinar, 69 (2017), 10; 893-905.
- Serdar, M.; Baričević, A.; Jelčić Rukavina, M.; Pezer, M.; Bjegović, D.; Štirmer, N. Shrinkage Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Recycled Tyre Polymer Fibres. International Journal of Polymer Science. (2015); 145918-1-145918-9.