Concrete Solutions 2022 is the 8th in a series of international conferences on concrete repair, concrete technology, durability and performance of structures. It covers a wide range of related topics, including admixtures, coatings, composites and fibres, as well as more conventional repair methods such as patch repair, electrochemical repair and structural strengthening.
The event is co-organised with the University of Leeds and supported by the Institute of Concrete Technology and the Concrete Society. The event is also co-sponsored by ACI and RILEM.
Our PhD student Katarina gave a presentation on “Influence of cement matrix composition on early age shrinkage behaviour”. The presentation consisted of a laboratory test of mixes with fly ash as cement replacement compared to mixes with only Portland cement and a comparison of two autogenous shrinkage test methods as a function of the defined zero time, which were also presented.
The proceedings were published in the MATEC Web of Conferences,