On 22 September 2021, Prof. Ildiko Merta and her assistant Elena Yaneva from Technical University of Vienna visited the Faculty of Civil engineering at the University of Zagreb. The visit was organised within the installation research project ReWire, where Prof. Merta has the role of a research associate, and the bilateral project Crick, as Prof. Merta is the Austrian leader of the project. The guests were welcomed by Assist. Prof. Ana Baričević, Prof. Nina Štirmer and PhD students working on these projects.
As part of this visit, a meeting was organised to present the achievements of the projects so far. Two presentations were given by PhD students Katarina Didulica and Jelena Šantek Bajto. After the presentations, future cooperation and plans were discussed. At the end of the meeting, a plan was made to organise a short term scientific mission for PhD students to Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien) by the end of 2021.