On September 26 and 27, 2023, three ReWire students, Ivan Ćenanović, Ivan Pavlaković and Marin Šepuka, successfully defended their Master’s theses. Both Ivan Pavlaković and Marin Šepuka focused on the application of light- burned magnesium phosphate cements for the production of composites with lower pH values compared to traditional conventional cement composites. Their master’s theses, entitled “Properties of magnesium phosphate cements with the addition of fly ash and metakaolin” and “Magnesium phosphate cement paste reinforced with basalt fibers”, have set a benchmark for further research into the durability of basalt fibers in such composites as part of the ReWire project. At the same time, Ivan Ćenanović investigated the properties of mortar reinforced with carbon fibers, focusing primarily on the use of waste carbon fibers for the production of conductive repair mortar.
We would like to express our deep gratitude for their invaluable contributions and collaborative spirit during their time in our lab and for their dedicated participation in the ReWire project. We wish them successful careers in the construction industry.