On June 2, 2023, our PhD student Katarina Didulica successfully defended the topic of her doctoral thesis entitled “Early Age Behaviour of High Performance Fibre- Reinforced Mortar”, which she is…
The RILEM Spring Convention & 4th International Congress on Materials & Structural Stability CMSS23 was held in Rabbat, Morocco from 06 to 11 March 2023. The theme of the CMSS23…
We are pleased to inform you that our PhD student Katarina Didulica has received the award for the best PhD student in the first year of PhD studies at the…
PhD student Branka Mrduljaš was on a short-term research mission (STSM) at the Slovenian National Building And Civil Engineering Institute, ZAG. Branka stayed at ZAG from January 9 to 20,…
On December 14, 2022, members of the ReWire team visited the TU Wien as part of the final meeting of the joint Croatian-Austrian bilateral project CRICK – ‘Climate Resistant Concrete…
The 28th Congress DIMK and the 9th Congress SIGP with International Symposium on Research and Application of Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering in the Field of Materials and Structures were…
On September 27, 2022, students Andreja Dvorski and Sara Drinković successfully defended their bachelor’s thesis. Andreja’s thesis entitled “Glass fibre reinforced concrete” and Sara’s thesis entitled “Test methods for determining the…
The 8th Doctoral Symposium in Civil Engineering was held on September 5 and 6, 2022 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb. During the symposium, first year PhD…
Luka Glasnović has defended his master’s thesis “Effect of recycled polymer fibres on internal curing of mortar”, which he prepared as part of the ReWire project. We would like to…
As part of a short-term scientific mission, Katarina visited the Concrete and Earthquake Engineering Research Group led by Professor Maurizio Guadagnini and Kypros Pilakoutas at the University of Sheffield from…